The filter consists of a progressive 1 or 3-layer media and are made of unbreakable, synthetic, organic fibers and microfibers- the filters contain no fiberglass. Guaranteed tightness due to welded filter pockets and molded PUR framework.
The filters are microbiologically inactive and generate no nutrition for microbial growth. They are non-corrosive, humidity-resistant up to 100% relative humidity, thermally stable up to 70 ° C, with occasional spikes up to 80 ° C, and are fully combustible. Viledon Winair filters meet all hygiene requirements necessary for HVAC systems, and similar devices.
WinAir includes the following bag filter series.
Filter Class ISO coarse 65% (G4) Viledon WinAir WA45
Filter Class ISO ePM10 55% (M5 )Viledon WinAir WA50
Filter Class ISO ePM10 70% (M6) Viledon WinAir WA75
Filter Class ISO ePM10 85% (F7) Viledon WinAir WA90
Installation guide