Filter Housings
Menardi FH-S
The Menardi FH-S is a simple filter housing for standard applications within indoor air ventilation. They are manufactured in several different materials to suit different environments and are equipped with a hatch on the side for filter change.
Menardi FH
The Menardi FH is a robust, modular filter housing for all types of filters from standard applications to heavy industry. They are manufactured in several different materials to suit different environments and are equipped with a hatch on the side for filter change.
Menardi FH-P
The Menardi FH-P is a simple filter housing for panel-and pleated filter elements. It is also available with a filter frame for changeable filter mats. They are manufactured in several different materials to suit different environments and are equipped with a hatch on the side for filter change. There is a short mounting depth for compact installation.
Menardi FH – FFT SC Safe Change housing
These are filter housings for safe filter replacement through a security bag, which reduces the risk of the spreading of toxic or hazardous pollutants trapped in the filters. They are used in applications where a conventional filter change involves risk for personnel, product or process.
Menardi PTH Push Through Housing
Menardi has a range of Push Through filter systems to suit varying applications in both the pharmaceutical, Nuclear and commercial environment. The push-through filter system is primarily intended for use as a supply or exhaust filter to small cells, glove boxes and isolators. Push through filter systems are available in a range of different standard sizes to suit normal system duties from 10 to 160 l/s, however we also have special non-standard sizes and design to suit the specific application.